XM does not provide services to residents of the United States of America.
Humanitarian Action - Creating Equal Opportunities

Our mission is to make a positive difference to the life of individuals, irrespective of their culture, religion,
or ethnic background, and help them achieve their potential.

Education and Skills Development

Initiating projects that help individuals gain access to education and develop vocational skills

International Aid

Joining forces with local and internationally active human aid foundations

Our vision is to make a positive impact on thequality of life of people across the world.

Our Latest Humanitarian Missions


Raising Autism Awareness with NASOM

Posted on August 21, 2024 at 8:36 am GMT

In July 2024, we partnered with the National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM) for the ‘Jalinan Kasih Autism’ event in Gombak. This initiative aimed to raise awareness on autism and support families of autistic children, reflecting our commitment to making a positive impact in local communities. During the event, we engaged participants with drawing activities and provided essential supplies, including soft toys for moral support. We also donated a projector, screen, lunch packs, and covered utility bills to assist NASOM [..]


Helping to End Hunger for Sri Lankan Children in Need

Posted on July 30, 2024 at 7:13 am GMT

This summer, we’ve teamed up with the Child Action Lanka charity to provide food to disadvantaged young children in Sri Lanka for the next 10 months. After almost 30 years of war, which ended in 2009, Sri Lanka struggles with an economic crisis and endures new challenges. 17% of Sri Lankans face hunger, and 31% of preschool-aged children suffer from malnutrition. Ensuring food security and proper nutrition can improve children’s lives and help them build a brighter future. It’s a [..]


XM and BAZNAS Make a Positive Impact in Jakarta

Posted on June 11, 2024 at 8:27 am GMT

In a heartwarming collaboration, XM joined forces with BAZNAS to distribute Paket Ramadan Bahagia (blessing Ramadan packages) to 51 underprivileged families in Jakarta, Indonesia on April 16, 2024. Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr are among the most anticipated celebrations in Indonesia, but many families living in poverty cannot celebrate properly. To make their celebrations more colorful and help with their basic needs, we distributed packages containing rice, cooking oil, sugar, tea bags, soy sauce, canned fish, syrup, biscuits, and prayer mats. [..]


XM and Red Cross SG Empower Migrant Workers

Posted on May 21, 2024 at 7:53 am GMT

XM Singapore recently collaborated with Red Cross Singapore to organise a sports enrichment outing for Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) in Singapore. The event, held on April 7, 2024, aimed to provide a day of relaxation and sports activities for 21 migrant caregivers at The Cage Kallang. The campaign, part of Red Cross SG’s efforts to support the mental health and well-being of migrant workers, included familiar sports such as cricket and football. Additionally, MDWs received care packs containing essential items [..]


XM’s Lombok Collaboration: Brightening Futures

Posted on April 26, 2024 at 10:20 am GMT

XM Indonesia’s recent collaboration with Peduli Anak Foundation shines a light of hope in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. On March 19, 2024, we joined hands with Peduli Anak to uplift underprivileged children in the region, reaffirming our dedication to creating positive local impacts. Peduli Anak Foundation serves as a beacon of hope for disadvantaged children in West Nusa Tenggara, providing essential care, education, and support. Their mission is to break the cycle of poverty and pave the way for a [..]


We’ve Shared Food and Ramadan Blessings in Pakistan

Posted on April 24, 2024 at 7:20 am GMT

In partnership with the ‘Rizq’ charity, we’ve donated ration packages to people in need in rural areas to share blessings with them in the sacred month of Ramadan. Over 20 million people in Pakistan need support. Many families and individuals don’t have daily access to an adequate amount of nutritious food. Hunger and malnutrition not only impact health and children’s development, but they also make it hard to learn, work, and break the cycle of poverty. With our food donation, [..]


XM Teams up with ‘Charity Right’ for Change

Posted on April 23, 2024 at 9:09 am GMT

By leveraging resources and expertise, XM has joined forces with Charity Right Malaysia to empower disabled students in Kalumpang, Selangor. This initiative, under Ramadan Good Deeds CSR, underscores XM’s commitment to creating a positive change in communities. Through the partnership, XM has provided essential dry food supplies to disabled students during Ramadan. By ensuring access to nourishing meals, XM aims to alleviate hunger and enhance the well-being of these students, reflecting the core mission of Charity Right to empower people. [..]


XM and Singapore Red Cross: Stronger Together

Posted on April 23, 2024 at 6:35 am GMT

Stepping into the heart of humanitarian action, XM recently had the privilege of visiting the headquarters of Singapore Red Cross, our longstanding partner in numerous charity initiatives spanning over two years. The visit aimed to strengthen ties, discuss upcoming campaigns, and gain insights into the organisation’s operations. Singapore Red Cross, established in 1949, is a homegrown humanitarian organization dedicated to relieving human suffering and responding to emergencies. They serve vulnerable populations through various programs, including blood donation, support for the [..]


We’ve Donated Books in Vietnam for Children’s Day

Posted on April 19, 2024 at 7:17 am GMT

To support the ‘Bookcases for Kids’ project, we’ve donated books to 10 primary and secondary schools in Ky Son district in Nghe An province, which educate children from underprivileged highland areas. These books filled 10 classroom bookcases, encouraging students to read and facilitating daily reading sessions with teachers. Reading isn’t just about acquiring knowledge; it empowers children to explore and dream. For the youngest students, colourful and tactile books also enrich their perception of the world. ‘Bookcases for Kids’ brings [..]


XM's Heartfelt Ramadan Iftar Support

Posted on April 15, 2024 at 12:09 pm GMT

In the spirit of compassion and solidarity, XM has recently launched a Ramadan Iftar initiative to support those in need during the holy month. Through this corporate social responsibility endeavour, XM aims to bring joy and relief to individuals and families facing hardships. Partnering with the reputable charity organisation Association Bab Rayan in Casablanca, Morocco, XM has pledged a donation of $2,000 to provide nutritious Iftar meals for orphans and people in need. This initiative reflects XM’s commitment to making [..]

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