Kuala Lumpur Seminar ft. Guru Avramis Despotis was a Blast!

Posted on September 6, 2023 at 7:10 am GMT. Read More XM Company News

On August 26, we held a trading seminar in Kuala Lumpur on Unlock your Trading Potential – Trade your way to the Top, presented by guru Avramis Despotis and skilled instructor Zulle Razak.

Participants learned everything about the exciting rewards of forex trading, including the incredible potential to get big profits. In addition, we offered them the opportunity to network with like-minded people, and get the powerful Avramis ATS indicator.


Thank you to everyone who joined us for this super popular seminar. It offered the perfect balance between learning and networking, benefitting beginner and intermediate traders alike.

We hope to see you again soon. Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events!

Did you miss out on this seminar? Don’t worry, there’s always a new opportunity to meet us in person or online! Head to our free webinars page and sign up.