Gold Trading Seminars in Egypt Soon

Posted on May 3, 2022 at 11:39 am GMT. Read More XM Company News

XM returns to Egypt with further educational events this spring with the aim to equip traders with more in-depth knowledge about investing techniques.

Presented by Senior Market Strategist of Tradepedia, Habib Akiki, the seminar titled A Complete Guide to Gold Trading will welcome all those interested to join in Alexandria on 21st May, followed by Cairo on 28th.

While gold is commonly known as a safe haven for investors during times of market turbulence, it is essential to master the relevant techniques and strategies when trading in it. Both seminars aim to serve this exact purpose, namely to guide participants through the must-have requisites for sustainable gold trading results.

As technical analysis is part and parcel of gold trading techniques, our event participants will also have the opportunity to receive the proprietary trading tool of Tradepedia for free, the Avramis Gold indicator.

We look forward to meeting our existing and new clients in person at both events.

Please read more details about the seminar topic and book your seat in time here.